Friendly tech help sessions for Probus members

A seniors lady laughing using a mobile phone in a library

Tech help for seniors

We offer personalised, one-on-one and group tech skills training for seniors, taught by friendly local Youngsters. Seniors can learn how to use their phone, do video calls or connect on social media.

Youngsters can also do home tech support for seniors. Whether it’s setting up the smart TV, or working out the timer on the microwave, we’ve got it covered!

Life skills for Youngsters

Our Youngsters are keen to learn from the wisdom and experience of seniors, who teach them important life skills. Through tech help sessions both younger and older generations are able to connect.

By hiring a Youngster you’re helping create more jobs for young people, and giving them an opportunity to learn important life skills.

“Sitting down one on one with somebody, who is doing nothing else but addressing your needs and listening to you, and getting them all fixed up – that’s wonderful.”

— Marie

What can we help with?

We offer regular tech help sessions, taught by friendly local youngsters.

Phone skills

Scrolling, using menus, navigating, installing and using apps.

Microsoft Office and Google Workspace

Learning Microsoft Office (Word, Outlook, Excel, etc) or Google Workspace (Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Drive, Google Docs, etc).

Social media

Learn to connect with other people on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok or other social media platforms.

Settings, apps, emails, and more

Text messages, and internet, using the smart TV, fixing settings, using and deleting apps, taking photos.

Home office and remote working

Setting up computers, screens, keyboad, mouse and webcam. Learning how to use remote work tools such as Slack or Teams.

Job search skills

Getting yourself setup for job hunting with LinkedIn, CV formatting, and searching for jobs online.

Video calls

Calling friends, family or colleagues using Zoom, Google Meet, Facetime, Microsoft Teams etc

Any general tech issues

Our Youngsters can solve most general tech problems! You name it, we can help with it 🙂

A senior lady holding her phone and a Youngster with a brown jumper on.

As seen on ABC

Our Youngsters were featured in the ABC program “You’re never too old to become a tech whizz!”.

Our Youngsters have an average feedback rating of 4.8 out of 5


Sitting down one on one with somebody, who is doing nothing else but addressing your needs and listening to you, and getting them all fixed up – that’s wonderful.



Did we end up solving your problem? You did, and a very, very detailed problem it was too. In fact, if it had been me I wouldn’t have lasted this long, and the phone would have gone out of the window a long time ago.



For a 63 year old who is old school, you just made my life easier… I feel like I know everything I need to know on the computer now.


About us

We are a certified social enterprise

Hey there! We’re a bunch of passionate individuals working hard to bring tech-savvy youngsters and experienced older people together. We create a space where generations learn from each other, while also providing jobs and important life skills for young people.

A Youngster named Finn smiling with a Senior using her iPad

Our Services is a social enterprise. 50% of our profits go to running free community tech help sessions. We also offer free public sessions.

100% free

Public Sessions

30 mins of free tech help at a shopping centre or library near you.

✓ 100% free
✓ Book ahead of time
✓ Regular sessions in a public space
✓ Support your local community of Youngsters


A personalised, regular visit from a tech savvy youngster for companionship and phone/computer/tech help.

✓ Weekly visits
✓ Minimum 1 hour
✓ At Home, a Library or Cafe
✓ Highly qualified Youngsters
✓ Personalised and ongoing companionship

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